Wavelength, echo chamber and sacred cows to sell your ideas

As a technology leader, selling your ideas is critical to your company’s success. But how can you persuade your colleagues and executives to support your ideas? In this conference, Isabelle Dépatie, engineer, inventor, author and technology development expert, will share practical tips on how to sell your ideas effectively.

Isabelle will explain how to adjust the wavelength of your message to ensure that your audience is receptive to your idea. She will also discuss the importance of understanding echo chambers and sacred cows in business and how to use them strategically to gain buy-in from your co-workers.

In addition, Isabelle will share real-life examples of idea-selling situations she has experienced in her career and strategies for handling them successfully.

Whether you are an experienced executive or a young technology leader, this conference will provide valuable tools to sell your ideas effectively and achieve your goals.

Isabelle Dépatie

April 27, 2023

Talk presented by

Isabelle Dépatie

Guillaume Duchesneau


Guillaume Duchesneau


Isabelle Dépatie is an accomplished engineer, inventor and author in the field of technology development. She has worked with teams around the world to create new technologies in various sectors. She holds degrees in engineering physics from École Polytechnique de Montréal and in aeronautical engineering from École Nationale d’Aérotechnique. Isabelle has worked for many renowned companies and startups such as Bombardier, IBM, BIC and ElementAI. She is currently Senior Director of Engineering at LeddarTech.

Isabelle is also an avid author. She wrote the book "The Manager is a Time Traveler", which explores the challenges of managing in a constantly changing world. In addition, she is a prolific blogger, regularly sharing her tips to help managers succeed on her blog entitled "The Key is Time".

Wavelength, echo chamber and sacred cows to sell your ideas
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