Solving Problems, Creating Opportunities

The Impact of IoT

If you knew the state of everything and could reason on top of that data, what problems would you solve? IoT is wonderfully addictive. Once in place, it gives us direct visibility and helps us make informed decisions. IoT begs us for more questions, problems, and opportunities. In this session, we’ll discuss specific examples of how enterprises have deployed and leveraged IoT to transform their organization by creating new services, business models, and operational efficiencies. We’ll address the resultant trends toward mass customization, as-a-service subscriptions, and automation. Lastly, we’ll discuss what makes it hard and the learnings from successful deployments.

Dave Gustafson

November 18, 2021

Talk presented by

Dave Gustafson

Senior Sales Specialist IoT – AWS

Dave Gustafson a passé plus de 20 ans de sa carrière à travailler sur les semi-conducteurs, les radios sans fil et l’informatique embarquée - ce qui est maintenant devenu l’internet des objets industriel. Il a travaillé sur des camions de pompiers, des tours de refroidissement, des climatiseurs et des appareils auditifs, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.

Il vit près de Minneapolis, au Minnesota, avec sa femme et ses trois enfants. Dans ses temps libres, il joue du piano et fait du vélo de montagne.